Location 10/18

Beach Blanket Bingo

Location:  713 Frederick Road – Morseberger Tavern (rear)

Artist:  Edward Williams

Date Created:  2013 

Cost:  $3,000 and a few cases of beer


This 30’ X 25’ mural sits above Morseberger’s Tavern’s deck and was commissioned by the colorful owner, Bob Morseberger, in 2013. Bob wanted a fun beach scene that would hopefully “attract the college kids.” He hired local artist Edward Williams to recreate a scene from the 1965 teen movie Beach Blanket Bingo, which featured teen idols Annette Funicello, a former Mouseketeer, and 60s heartthrob Frankie Avalon.

Interesting Details

Duck – Bob’s father, Elmer Morseberger, was an avid hunter, and the duck on the left-hand side is a tribute to his dad.

Frankie Avalon – The star of the movie was 60’s heartthrob Frankie Avalon, and he later recalled the movie had an aged-old theme for teens:  

“‘That’s the picture of mine that I think people remember best, and it was just a lot of kids having a lot of fun — a picture about young romance and about the opposition of adults and old people. There’s nothing that young people respond to more than when adults say `These kids are nuts,` and that’s what this movie was about. 

 Who’s Behind the Counter: Robert Morsberger at Morsberger’s Tavern | Catonsville, MD Patch

Next stop

Catonsville’s Past, Present, and Future

Continue east through the alley toward Bloomsbury for 200ft, or head back out to Frederick Rd, head east, and take a right on Bloomsbury.

Aerial image of mural on side of building

Take a walk